The staff and leadership here at Brookwood is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for every single person in the church. If you have any questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to speak with them.

David Rice

Lead Pastor

I exist to honor God and make disciples by

proclaiming truth

John Harp

Associate Pastor

Pastoral Care & Senior Adults

I exist to honor God and make disciples by

anchoring hope

John Walker

Associate Pastor

Worship & Administration

I exist to honor God and make disciples by

developing producers

Scott Ridenour

Associate Pastor

Discipleship & Missions

I exist to honor God and make disciples by

engineering bridges

Lauren Brown

Children's Minister

Family Ministry Team

I exist to honor God and make disciples by

encouraging conversations

Daniel Faulkner

Student Minister

Family Ministry Team

I exist to honor God and make disciples by

washing feet

Joe Tarr

Modern Worship Leader

Young Adults Minister

Family Ministry Team

I exist to honor God and make disciples by

sparking adventure

David Green

Media Director

Patrick Norris

Facilities Director


Genelle Lindsay

Lead Pastor Ministry Assistant

Executive Financial Assistant

I exist to honor God and make disciples by

mentoring relationships

Lydia Berry

Administration Ministry Assistant

Financial Ministry Assistant

I exist to honor God and make disciples by

adopting joy

Alexis Horton

Financial Ministry Intern

I exist to honor God and make disciples by

amplifying truth

Jennifer Meleton

Discipleship Ministry Assistant

Missions Ministry Assistant

Young Adult Ministry Assistant

I exist to honor God and make disciples by

organizing opportunities

Christy Collins

Children's Ministry Assistant

Briana Paris

Preschool Ministry Assistant

Abram Sikes

Student Ministry Assistant

I exist to honor God and make disciples by

pursuing truth

Tina Martin

Communications Ministry Assistant

I exist to honor God and make disciples by

encouraging excellence

Naikia Ridenour

Weekday Preschool Director

I exist to honor God and make disciples by

organizing institutions

Lauren Tarr

The Well Manager

Bruce Hennigan

Stan Wallace

Scott Thomas

Leon Hammack

Barry Carter