Traits of a Healthy Disciple

Through our gatherings as a church family and the individual callings of our people, our goal is to disciple everyone we meet to a thriving and vibrant relationship with Jesus. When you look at the Scriptures, we think there are four key traits that are reflected in every healthy disciple. They have worn knees, a new mind, open arms, and readied feet.

Click on each trait to learn more.

Worn Knees

I am making it a welcomed habit to talk to God about everything.

Self-evaluating questions:

  1. How am I listening to God throughout the day, looking to be led by His Spirit?
  2. What do I need to do to make this time a priority in my daily life?

New Mind

I am allowing the lens of Scripture to transform my thoughts and actions.

Self-evaluating questions:

  1. How am I seeing the world differently because of my time in God’s Word?
  2. What thoughts and actions in my life need to be made new today?

Open Arms

I am regularly compelled by the love of Christ to show compassion to others.

Self-evaluating questions:

  1. How am I considering everyone I meet as an encounter designed by God?
  2. Who, in my church family, knows the real me and is walking with me towards wholeness in Christ?

Readied Feet

I am actively sharing my story and God's story with anyone at anytime.

Self-evaluating questions:

  1. With whom am I actively sharing what God has done in my life?
  2. How am I structuring my life to live out my God-given purpose to make disciples?