Brookwood Kid’s Ministry exists to partner with parents to make disciples and to lead kids to have UNSHAKABLE faith, so they can reach the world for Him.

“My dear friends, stand firm and don’t be shaken. Always keep busy working for the Lord. You know that everything you do for him is worthwhile.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

Whether you have a newborn, preschooler, or elementary age child, we have an engaging and safe environment for them. Join us this Sunday and/or Wednesday!


Nursery and Preschool meet in AdventureLand on Sundays at 9:00 & 10:30am. Kids, kindergarten through 5th grade, meet in The Zone on Sundays at 9:00 & 10:30am. They participate in a large group worship style learning environment at 9:00am and small group Bible study at 10:30am.   


Preschool 3s – 5th grade will grow closer to God on Wednesday nights through worship, missions, crafts, and Bible study (Nursery is provided for younger ones while their parents attend adult Bible study).


(Click on header to open next event)

VBS Volunteer Registration | June 2-6
VBS Preschool & Kid Registration | June 2-6

Check-in System


Your child's safety is very important to us and we take care to make sure our Preschool/Kids area is as safe and secure as possible. For Sunday and Wednesday activities, Preschoolers are checked in at our Check-In desk, and a name tag is printed for each child. Please place the name tag prominently on your child's clothing. Parents will receive a Check-In receipt for child pick-up that displays a random alpha-numeric code that matches the code on your child's name tag. 


Expectant Mothers


If you are expecting a baby, CONGRATULATIONS! We are thrilled for your growing family and would like to walk through these months with you in prayer and encouragement. Please let us know if you are expecting, and we will add you to our new and expectant list. We also want you to feel comfortable bringing your child to the nursery and are glad to offer tours of our nursery hall and explain check-in procedures and policies. Call us to schedule a tour: (318)-869-8911.

Family Dedications


We believe that children are a gift of the Lord and we will schedule a special time for you to acknowledge your dependence on God and seek His wisdom and guidance in parenting your child. At the same time Brookwood embraces our responsibility to teach God's Word, to serve one another in love, and to train and disciple followers of Christ. 

Special Needs Ministry


It is our desire to meet the needs of all children at Brookwood. Check out our GRACE Special Needs Ministry page for more information.

Foster Care


If you are foster parents or would like to know more about supporting foster families at Brookwood, check out our BCAT (Brookwood Child Advocacy Team) page.

Lauren Brown

Kid's Minister

My husband, Huey, and I were born and raised here in Shreveport. We have three wonderful children, Gordon, Jack, and Kate. I grew up in a Christian home with my parents and two younger sisters. I am thankful to say that the Lord has graciously placed me in a family that has nourished my love for Christ and the work of the church.

I made a profession of faith in 1989. Little did I know that even at the young age of six, God was molding my life for ministry. In 2001, I publicly professed a call to missions. I wasn’t quite sure what that meant for my life, but knew I was surrendering to His call on my life. Since then, I have fallen in love with children’s ministry and have seen the hand of the Lord work in so many ways to guide me to this ministry.

My prayer is that the children in this ministry will grow to have an unshakeable faith. Please join me in prayer for these children and families, that we may grow in wisdom and faith this year.